Food seals

The Food & Beverage sector is one of the most important in the world, and is also one of the most challenging. Nothing less than ultimate levels of care and attention will suffice when producing, packaging, storing and transporting food products. This imposes exceptionally challenging demands on logistics and storage operations. Not to mention on a manufacturer of seals such as SCHLÖSSER.


A ‘food & beverage seal’ is defined as any seal, Technical Part or punched part used in the food & beverage industry, ideally for packaging and storage operations. Their job is to prevent any migration of substances, e.g. the escape of fluids or the ingress of air (with perishable food products).


Are you interested in our seals and technical parts? Or do you need a solution from SCHLÖSSER for a specific requirement? If so, please just get in touch with us: we are here to assist you.

Tel. +49 7572 606-0 Mon.-Thu. 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Fri. 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.


Here you will find a compilation of the most important questions and answers on various topics relating to  seals for the food industry.

Are there particular specifications for the manufacture of seals for food products?

As well as the process-based and qualitative specifications such as the DIN ISO 9010 standard, companies operating in the food industry also have to be aware of FDA approval, an important criterion, and DVGA certification applies to drinking water.

The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is an approval body that monitors the market for food, pharmaceuticals and medical products. This includes the specification relating to whether and if so how manufactured materials – such as seals for food – can be used in contact with food products. Materials that satisfy these standards can be classified as FDA COMPLIANT / FDA APPROVED. This qualification does not apply to seals as such but instead to the material used in the manufacture of those seals.

In the drinking water sector in Germany, Section 17 of TrinkwV legislation stipulates that materials and products in contact with drinking water must not release any substances into the drinking water that may have an adverse impact on it. DVGW is the applicable standard in Germany: A DVGW certificate proves that a given product complies with the full range of DVGW standards.

We here at SCHLÖSSER, as a dependable partner for the food industry, have materials in stock that are fully FDA-compliant. Our product range includes materials with DVGW approval for food seals used in the context of drinking water.

What requirements are imposed on the manufacturers of food seals?

Without exception, seals, Technical Parts, punched parts, insulation components … needed in the food industry perform the same function as every other seal, i.e. to prevent or to reduce the migration of substances.

As a specific requirement for food seals, attention must be paid to the potential scope for contamination and ways to combat this problem, arising from direct contact between seals and (solid or liquid) food products. Here, seal materials are of central importance. To prevent evaporation (i.e. the migration of material from the seal into surrounding media), defined plasticisers are prohibited. Incidentally, this also applies to a few applications for fittings etc.

This means that, as well as needing process-based and technical design expertise, the manufacturers of seals used in the food sector need to hold an inventory of relevant materials, such as:

  • Elastomers & soft materials that quality for approval with drinking water (DVGW-compliant)
  • FDA-approved materials
  • Detectable materials

Outgassing/Fogging/Evaporation from materials



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    Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG

    Wilhelmstraße 8

    88512 Mengen/Germany

    Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG

    Wilhelmstraße 8

    88512 Mengen/Germany

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