
BONDING describes the joining of components. A distinction is made between assembly aid and permanent bonding. The assembly aid fulfils the task of exact positioning and optimum handling in the further assembly process.

Possible additional benefits of this function include sealing against dust and dirt, the avoidance of creaking noises, the prevention of unwanted illumination as well as heat conduction.


Adhesively bonded solutions cover a multi-faceted range of options, varying a great deal from one application to another.

It is therefore important to use the most suitable tape for each individual case.

At SCHLÖSSER we use double-sided adhesive tapes which we can process into a purely adhesive part, or which we can use to laminate other materials with an adhesive layer. The adhesive film can be used both as a permanent adhesive or only for a short time as an assembly aid. The adhesive tapes that we use for this purpose have a wide range of possible configurations and are therefore constructed very differently. We distinguish here between three main groups and we explain these in more detail below.

Transfer tape: The adhesive mass is coated directly onto a removable and therefore siliconised backing paper. The adhesive is therefore very flexible but has no inherent rigidity.With its simple material structure, extremely thin adhesive layers are also possible.

The transfer tapes are characterised in particular by: •High flexibility and adaptability •Better temperature resistance •Lower thickness possible •Compensates for surface roughness.

Double-sided adhesive tape: The double-sided adhesive tape consists of a backing material made of fleece or a thin PET film. This backing material is covered on both sides with a layer of adhesive. This two-sided adhesive tape can therefore either have the same properties on both sides, or each side can have different bonding properties. The backing material provides the two-sided adhesive tape with good strength, making it easy to work with.

Two-sided adhesive tapes are also characterised by: •Foil, non-woven, foam and fabric substrates •Greater internal stability from backing material •Different adhesives are possible •Easy to process

High-performance adhesive tape:

High-performance adhesive tapes comprise a plastic core such as PE foams or acrylate foams equipped with an adhesive bonding compound. These adhesive tapes offer very high adhesive forces combined with great adaptability and flexibility. Because of the high adhesive bonding forces, a great deal of expertise is needed to work with these adhesives precisely and repeatably.

The high-performance adhesive tapes are particularly characterised by: •Tension-free bonding •Energy is absorbed and compensated •Suitable for rough as well as smooth material surfaces •Suitable for materials with high or low surface energy

The choice of the right adhesive film depends on several factors. This can for example include the selection of an adhesive bonding partner. Also, the time it takes for an adhesive to harden has a crucial role to play. Here, for example, the question arises as to whether short-term (assembly aid) or permanent bonding is desired. Nor can the questions relating to surface properties and temperature loads go unanswered since these factors affect the adhesive once it has been installed. Environmental factors such as corrosion, moisture, solar radiation and thermal expansion can also have an impact, positive as well as negative, on adhesion characteristics. When selecting a suitable adhesive film, also consider whether the adhesive film is going to be subjected to mechanical loads such as tensile stress, shear stress or similar after it has been installed.

A good result can be achieved in terms of future adhesion characteristics by taking due account of these parameters when choosing the right adhesive tape.

Hand in hand with an automation solution: With the scope for supplying self-adhesive or adhesive tape product, it is possible to automate bespoke solutions.

While coordination between the three parties involved (customer – plant manufacturer – Schlösser) does involve additional overhead, it can at one and the same time also improve efficiency.


We offer a wide range of delivery forms to suit your assembly process and to satisfy your precise wishes and requirements.  We can package and deliver your components separately, bundled, stacked, secured with stacking pins, arranged on a strip as adhesive as well as non-adhesive parts, in blister packs, small load carriers, on reel or in any other desired format.

We aim to achieve optimum installation of products and handling of parts in our customers’ downstream assembly operations. We also aim to protect everything we supply against damage until they go for further processing.

We also strive to be as compatible as possible with the systems used by our customers, using interfaces such as EDI, EDIFACT or established platforms like SupplyOn to exchange information seamlessly up to the point of delivery and invoicing.

Applications & functions

There are virtually no limits on the fields of application for SCHLÖSSER seals, technical parts and our other products. In many sectors, our products are an indispensable part of a great many applications and functions, e.g. in the automotive, electrical and sanitation sectors – and the list goes on. We are also pleased to assist you with highly specific individual customer solutions with our experienced team of advisers who have decades of experience, with a wide range of materials and production processes. Here at SCHLÖSSER we make your requirement our business.




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    Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG

    Wilhelmstraße 8

    88512 Mengen/Germany

    Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG

    Wilhelmstraße 8

    88512 Mengen/Germany

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