Automotive seals

Personal mobility, the transport of materials, goods and people – the automotive sector keeps the world moving. We here at SCHLÖSSER have many years of experience as a partner to the automotive industry: Our automotive seals are used in many different applications in cars and commercial vehicles.


First of all, an automotive seal is a gasket or seal (a Technical Part, a punched part…) that is used in vehicle manufacturing and maintenance operations.

Here are some typical types of application for automotive seals:

  • Chassis
  • Windows & doors
  • Luggage compartments/boots
  • Engines
  • Combustion tracts
  • Exhaust systems
  • Turbochargers
  • Underbodies
  • Electronics
  • E-mobility
  • Wheel suspension
  • Hydraulics
  • Displays


Here you will find a compilation of the most important questions and answers on various topics relating to seals for the automotive sector.

Which specific requirements apply to automotive seals and gaskets?

As one of the key central sectors, the automotive industry successfully delivers mobility right around the globe. The significance of this also makes it clear that quality defects are not an option. Which is also true of automotive seals. There is good reason why car-makers and OEMs have been placing their confidence in SCHLÖSSER expertise for many years.

Alongside general product quality, more stringent requirements are applied to automotive seals (depending on the application) in respect of:

  • Durability
  • Precision / tolerances
  • Temperature resistance
  • Technical cleanliness
  • Standards

What expertise does SCHLÖSSER have in relation to seals for the automotive sector?

As manufacturer of Technical Parts and seals with many years of experience working for a vast array of sectors, SCHLÖSSER has made a name for itself in the automotive industry as a supplier of systems.

We have a convincing range of skills sets in the production of automotive seals and gaskets:

  • Certified quality (DIN ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, IATF 16949)
  • Many years of experience
  • Ultimate level of development expertise
  • Cleanroom production as required / on request
  • Maximum flexibility (materials, machining processes…)
  • One-on-one consulting support

Our specialist fields include challenging connection solutions such as Optical Clear Adhesive (OCA), used to create bonds between display units and housings. These are punched in a cleanroom environment in accordance with ultimate standards of technical cleanliness.

Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG

Wilhelmstraße 8

88512 Mengen/Germany

Schlösser GmbH & Co. KG

Wilhelmstraße 8

88512 Mengen/Germany

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